I'm injured or pregnant, can I practice with you?
This will be entirely dependent on your individual situation, but the general answer is YES - we welcome everyone at our studio!
We know lots about yoga, but we aren't medical professionals. If you have an active injury, or have a complicated pregnancy, please check with your medical provider to see if you are currently suited to attend group yoga classes.
If you're given the all-clear, we'd recommend starting with the following classes:
- Yin + Yang classes for floor-based mindful movement and stretching
- Yin classes for stretching and grounding
- Friday Unwind for gentle movement, meditation and rest
- Chair Yoga for extra support and no floor work (great for newer injuries and the last trimester of pregnancy)
You may also find our Slow Flow classes to be suitable if you are reasonably mobile and/or you already had a regular yoga practice prior to your injury/pregnancy.
You can read more detailed class descriptions here.
We're very much a studio that gives multiple movement options and encourages you to move in ways that suit your body, even if that differs to what your fellow students are doing, so you always have complete autonomy over your practice and can modify however is necessary.
We've also put together a series of helpful videos for pregnancy modifications once belly starts getting big enough to get in the way. Check them out here.
Alternatively, you may find tailored private classes more appropriate for your situation. These 1-hr sessions can be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time - send us an email to enquire.
Have more questions? Email us via hello@stonesthrowyoga.com.au or give us a call on (08) 6118 0277, we'd love to chat!